Update to version 3.8.2 R.1

Please read the following if you have made any changes to the following areas of your cart

  • Checkout

The following files will be renamed if they have been modified using Cart Designer or if they exist in your custom skin:

  • templates/pages/checkout/cart.html

This action is necessary to ensure that your cart has all the necessary bug fixes related to this release. Because the files are renamed, you can apply the difference between your skin file and the original engine skin file to the .382r1 suffixed file. When you are satisfied with the change, you can rename the file and remove the .382r1 suffix. After doing, clear the Skin Cache by logging in to the admin area and going to Cart Settings > Appearance Settings and clicking on the Refresh Theme button.

Improvements found in version 3.8.2 R.1

New Feature - VIPparcel shipping and USPS label generation
New Feature - Widgets
Improvement - Send invoice number with PayPal Express transactions
Fixed - PayPal Express Checkout cannot proceed to checkout when using 100% off promo code
Fixed - PayPal errors when processing orders with gift certificate
Fixed - Tax Codes not appearing correctly on Add/Edit Product for Avalara or Exactor
Fixed - Database error with Avalara Tax when shipping address has an apostrophe
Fixed - SEO settings missing from Add/Edit Product
Fixed - Pikfly Lite Zip Code map not clickable
Fixed - Changing language code disables the language
Fixed - Error on delete all categories
Fixed - PayPal BillMeLater/Credit button overlaps PayPal Express button

This update will only work for versions 3.8.1 R.1 of the cart. If you are using any other version you will need to contact support for an upgrade script.

NOTE: Before updating it is strongly recommended you backup your cart. Do not update a live site. We advise you to create a testing environment for the update and check the changes before making the update live.

To manually update your cart:

Shopping Cart Software Hotfix – Upgrade to 3.8.2 R.1

  1. Please contact technical support for download links.
  2. Unpack files from zip archive on your local machine
  3. In your favorite FTP client application go to the cart installation folder on your server
  4. Locate and upload the update-to-382-r1.php to the root directory of your installation. It should be next to the index.php, admin.php, and login.php file.
  5. Log in to the admin area and regenerate the .htaccess file before applying the update. You can do this by going to Cart Settings > Global Cart Settings and clicking on the Search Engine Settings link. Next, click on the "Regenerate .htaccess file" link to complete this step.
  6. Ensure that all your skin files are writable. Especially if you are using a custom skin.
  7. Upload the files from the zip package to your server. (overwrite existing files)
  8. To run the update script direct your browser to:
    Note: you need to replace http://www.sitename.com/path2cart/update-to-382-r1.php with the real URL to your cart.
  9. Login to the admin area of the cart and click on "Cart Information" link from left side under Cart Settings. Then click on "Refresh License Information" link. Very Important
  10. After update script is complete, remove update-to-382-r1.php file from root folder of your cart.

Click to view the change log